Fire Rated

We offer fully tested and aesthetically pleasing fire rated windows and doors for your project requirements


Operable windows, doors and fixed partitions with a primary fire-rating of E30, EI30,EI45,E45,EI15,E15,EI60,E60,EI90,E90, in line with the BS-EN 1634-1 standards

  • Fittings to match the system
  • Secure face mounted hinges
  • Choose from a range of stainless-steel handles
  • Face mounted overhead closures

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Fire resistance periods are typically described in terms of E – integrity and EI – integrity and insulation.

Fire classification E – integrity only
Integrity only systems provide a barrier against flames, prevent the spread of fire for the given period.

Fire classification EI – integrity and insulation
This category of passive fire resistance also offers a barrier against flames, , however, unlike integrity only the EI system will reduce the transmittance of radiant heat.

Technical Specs

  • RC2 Security Resistance
  • Fire-rating: EI30, E30, EI60,E60,EI90,E90
  • Air and Water Class 4 and E
  • Thermal Ratings 0.86 to 1.07W/m2k
  • Clear, safe, fire-rated glass structure, with requested fire rating (30,45,60,90)

Why Choose Citiwide Shopfronts?

We are a 100% UK based company offering high quality inhouse services. We offer a free no obligation quotation that you will have within 1-2 working days.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is your lead time?

    Our lead times are 5-7 working days on stocked product. We can be very flexible and responsive when you need something urgently.
  • How Does The Process Work?

    Don’t have plans and Drawings? No Problem. Our team of friendly experts are here to help and explain the full process over the phone and online Chats.
  • How Do I Start a Project

    Once the design and requirements are agreed Our estimators will send free no obligation quote. On acceptance of the quote our site surveyor will visit the site to take the measurements